# LocalGov Drupal Subscriber and Member terms and conditions

Version: 2.0 - 31st May 2023

# Definitions

  1. “The Cooperative” means Open Digital Cooperative Ltd
  2. User” means any person, council or supplier organisation making use of LocalGov Drupal code, Slack, Github, mailing lists or other community platforms.
  3. Signatory” means any user who has also signed the Contributor Agreement.
  4. LocalGov Drupal Subscriber” means any user or signatory who has paid or pledged to pay a subscription fee to support the objects of co-operative.
  5. Member” means any subscriber who has voluntarily applied for membership of the co-operative and had that application accepted to become a member of the co-operative. “Member” has the meaning given in section 112 of the Companies Act 2006 and as detailed under ‘Membership’ in the articles of association;
  6. "LocalGov Drupal" means the open source Drupal distribution developed and published on Github at https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov (opens new window) and Drupal.org at https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal (opens new window)
  7. "LocalGov Drupal Microsites" means the open source Drupal distribution for microsites developed and published on Github at https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_microsites (opens new window) and Drupal.org.
  8. "LocalGov Drupal community" : the open source community, including subscribers, and non-paying contributors and users.
  9. "Supplier" means any organisation providing services to councils or Open Digital Cooperative. This includes Drupal suppliers and related services such as communications, user testing, design, support, hosting.
  10. "Council" means a local authority in the UK or Ireland.

# Terms and conditions

  1. An organisation can become a LocalGov Drupal subscriber by meeting the eligibility criteria and paying a subscription fee to Open Digital Cooperative Ltd.
  2. We want to encourage a vibrant, fair, productive culture to which end we reserve the right to terminate subscriptions if subscribers are considered to be breach of these terms.
  3. By subscribing to LocalGov Drupal your organisation agrees to the Contributor Agreement (opens new window)and community code of conduct (opens new window).
  4. As a subscriber, you may be eligible for membership of Open Digital Cooperative. In line with Cooperative Principle 1: Voluntary and Open Membership (opens new window), membership is voluntary, so must express interest in becoming a member.
  5. By subscribing to LocalGov Drupal, your organisation will have access to benefits as outlined below. Benefits vary depending on the type of organisation, council, supplier and supporting partner.
  6. Council subscriber benefits:
    • Visibility and thought leadership: Demonstrate your support for LocalGov Drupal, listed as a supporting subscriber on the LocalGov Drupal website. Featured content on the website.
    • Governance and influence: eligibility for individuals to be nominated and elections to the Steering, Technical Governance and Product Group
    • Product development: input into the product roadmap and early access to research and shared best practice. Prioritised nominations to feature working groups. Monthly show and tell sessions.
    • Priority support: Tailored onboarding / training / consultancy and access to our community manager
    • Event & networking benefits: including early access and discounts to LocalGov Drupal events, and networking opportunities, featured job opportunities on the LocalGov Drupal website and Slack channels.
  7. Supplier subscriber benefits:
    • Demonstrate your support for LocalGov Drupal
    • Lead generation and preferential weighting in contract opportunities.
    • Marketing opportunities: listed as a recommended supplier on our website, company profile and blog posts on our website, present at LocalGov Drupal meetups, enhanced engagement with LocalGov Drupal on our social media channels.
    • Product development: input into the product roadmap and early access to research and shared best practice. Prioritised nominations to feature working groups.
    • Governance and influence eligibility for individuals to be nominated and elections to the Steering, Technical Governance and Product Group
    • Event & networking benefits: including early access and discounts to LocalGov Drupal events, and networking opportunities. Featured job opportunities on the LocalGov Drupal website and Slack channels
  8. Term
    • The subscription fees are based on a 12 month cycle.
  9. Payment terms:
    • Invoices are due upon receipt. You will receive an invoice upon signing with payment instructions. Full payment is required before subscriber benefits are activated.
  10. Automatic renewal
    • The LocalGov Drupal subscription shall be renewed automatically for succeeding terms of one year unless either party gives notice to the other at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of any term of its intention not to renew.
  11. Termination:
    • Organisations can terminate their subscription at any time with sixty (60) days notice.

# Membership

  1. Eligibility
    • As a subscriber, you are eligible for membership of Open Digital Cooperative provided you agree to adhere to the Articles of Association (opens new window) of the Cooperative.
    • In line with Cooperative Principle 1: Voluntary and Open Membership, membership is voluntary, so you must express interest in becoming a member, subscribers do not automatically become members.
    • Membership is granted at the discretion of the board of directors in the process laid out in section 15.
    • If your subscription fee lapses you are no longer eligible for membership.
  2. Benefits, include:
    • eligible for election to the board of Open Digital Cooperative,
    • vote for board members,
    • attending the AGM,
    • access to the private member-only Slack channel.
  3. Requirements
    • Members must agree to the 7 cooperative principles (opens new window).
    • Members commit to attend general meetings and take an active interest in the operation and development of the cooperative.
    • Respect the confidential nature of the business decisions of the Cooperative.
  4. Termination
    • If a member organisation stops being eligible (eg. stops paying the subscription fee) for membership they are automatically removed as a member, and from member-only channels and documents.
    • Any organisation may step down from membership by emailing the membership officer / community manager.
    • A member may be removed from membership by agreement from the other members - at the AGM - according to the Articles of Association (opens new window).
  5. Membership process:
    • on receipt of the subscription fee, the membership officer (Community Lead) will ask if you’d like to become a member and who the designated representative will be.
    • Agree to the Terms & Conditions (as laid out in this document), and the Articles of Association of Open Digital Cooperative.
    • The board of directors will review your application for membership at the next director's meeting (or via some other means if more than 1 month away).
    • The membership officer (Community Lead) will confirm if your application has been successful via email.
    • You will then be given a Members Pack and added to the #members Slack channel.